Under Sherron's guidance we helped sterilize the room and got our next patient, Gardenisia, into the room. Gardenisia is a 60 year old local villager who unfortunately has a cancer of unknown origin with a tumor that was compressing her spinal cord. Starting at about 9:15PM we were able to debulk her tumor, decompress her nerves, and place instrumentation to stabilize the spine. We finished, cleaned up the room and headed back to the hotel for another midnight meal. We ate in a haze of exhaustion but with a deep feeling of satisfaction. Throughout the day the concept of teamwork, which has defined this mission, seemed to be in continuous display. Not just among the members of Spine mission Uganda team, but the hospital staff in general.
Quote of the day: “Mbarara at night reminds me of San Francisco.” – an exhausted Eric gazing at the town’s hillside lights at night.